Money verses value is all that custom writings entail. The writer takes his time to carry out a custom writing as per the request of the client. The client on the other hand fights to ensure that the custom writings are paid for by the writer. In reality, this is the surest method of gaining trust in custom writing between the client and the writer. The writers normally work on his custom writings with the aim of satisfying the customer as much as possible.
To be able to handle custom writings, the customer needs to be competent in his language so that his custom writing works, which can reach the examination standard require. The writer needs too to be able to have good research skills. The skill is necessary in producing relevant custom writing to the examiners satisfaction. Writers must also be able to work within their custom undertakings deadline.
In some custom writings an extension of deadlines might lead to the custom writing being rejected by the client or the examination body. This shows that the writer as well faces his own challenges to produce a good custom writing.
At times, they face penalties due to unsatisfactory custom writings the writers themselves produce. On the other hand, the customer also does face problems associated with the custom writings. They must take their time to go through the custom writings before handing the paper to the examiner. At times, they spend a lot of time correcting faults in a custom writing from the custom writers. The client too might fail in a paper due to improper work of the custom writer in a custom writing.